Here’s what you can expect at our women’s weekend,
Embracing Our Sensuous Nature
Every woman has her own relationship to sensuality. Some have an over abundance, but find they don’t know how to manage it and are afraid it will run their lives. Other women can’t find their sensuality and want to learn how to engage their sensual nature in ways that are safe and enriching. Regardless of your starting point, here is some of what women consistently take away from this weekend: |
What will we actually be doing?
• Exploring our relationship to our senses through guided imagery
• Honoring the parts of us that are protective and restrictive this is a safe place for the shy part of you as well as the part that wants more sensual expression
• Sharing with each other our experience of being women in our culture(s)
• Discovering safe, grounded ways to express our sensuous aliveness and not confuse it with sexuality
• Learning how to be sensual AND have really good boundaries
• Learning how to access the Deep Feminine as a source of vitality and pleasure
• Creating and launching a vision of how we want to live our sensuous nature
How we will do this, and what do I need to bring?
We’ll use guided imagery, large group and small group exercises, Voice Dialogue demonstrations (where you can participate and/or observe). There will be non-verbal, non-physical energy exercises with a partner, and also opportunity for discussion and reflection. You’ll have handouts with space to write and draw, and it’s fine to bring a favorite notebook of your own.
We’ll send you some questions to reflect on before the workshop and ask you to send us back your answers ahead of time. In the center of our circle we’ll have objects and images that hold the energy of the sensual feminine and hope you’ll bring something of your own to add, something that represents the sensual feminine to you.
What will we NOT be doing?
• This workshop is not about sex or sexuality. We may discuss thoughts and feelings related to sexuality as well as sensuality, but nothing in this workshop is focused on sex.
• This is a psycho-educational workshop, not a therapy group. You will not be expected or pressured to reveal anything personal about yourself that you would feel uncomfortable sharing.
• You won’t be expected to behave in ways that might be uncomfortable for the conservative parts of your personality
Our Intention?
• Even though appearances tell us we’re all so different in age and experience and in our relationship to our feminine sensual nature, our intention is to help ourselves and other women find a new way to create inner balance regardless of our starting point.
• Our intention is to learn how to express sensual alive energy in a way that is balanced and safe and will organically grow into real sustainable change in our lives.
• Our intention is to help women discover the Deep Feminine as a source of joy and vitality through all the ages and stages of our lives.
Where we’ll be meeting
We’ll be gathering at a beautiful secluded retreat space in the rural part of Redmond, Washington. Our building is sheltered by trees with lots of windows to the green world outside. The space is carpeted and we have comfortable chairs and also back jacks, as well as lots of cushions and shawls for cozying up in.
Comfort and special needs
We do our best to take care of everyone’s needs. We decorate the room with flowers, but we do ask people not to wear any natural or artificial fragrances as many people are sensitive to them. We serve mostly organic lunches and snacks with lots of gluten-free options. Hot beverages are all organic and our tap water is really good well water. Our soups are gluten-free and always vegan. Cheeses are goat or sheep’s milk. If you let us know ahead of time about any other special needs, we will do our best to accommodate you.
What women are saying about this workshop.
"I highly recommend this workshop to others as a great way to get in touch with sensuality and more deeply understand how it can revitalize us in our everyday life. All of the sensual treats, in particular the amazingly delicious array of food, went way beyond my expectations!"
“It was delicious on all levels personal experience, learning about "the energy," meeting great people, eating well, and experiencing great facilitating.”
“You guys are great and very good at explaining concepts.”
“Everyone needs this workshop! So many women are out of balance and exhausting themselves.”
“I felt nurtured, and was able to access my sensual self. The food was delicious and beautiful!!”
More questions?
Call Cassandra at 425-753-2490 or Miriam at 206-932-1151. We’re happy to talk with you about the workshop.