Voice Dialogue Summer Camp 2009 Report
Miriam Dyak
For many years Hal and Sidra Stone, originators of Voice Dialogue, held a wonderful two week long “Summerkamp” in northern California. It was a remarkable depth opportunity for 60-70 people from all over the world to gather and immerse themselves in their own Aware Ego process. Hal and Sidra ended their Summerkamp in 1994 and transitioned to the week-long smaller group programs that they still hold today at their home in the Mendocino area.
This past August, 2009, J’aime ona Pangaia, Voice Dialogue teacher, facilitator, and author in Portland, Oregon, initiated a new incarnation of camp. Six staff J’aime ona Pangaia, Miriam Dyak, Dorsey Cartwright, Susan Filley, Daryl Vansier, and Winky Wheeler worked with 23 participants for ten days at a beautiful retreat center east of Portland in the foothills of Mt. Hood.
Voice Dialogue Camp was open to people experienced in Voice Dialogue and also to those just beginning to discover this work. The program included teaching that covered everything from essentials of Psychology of Selves theory, bonding patterns, principles of nature, working with dreams and with energetics to a variety of topics relating to Voice Dialogue including the creative process (soulcollage, sandplay), archetypes, mindfulness, psychodrama, and neurobiology. Winky Wheeler provided wonderful movement sessions and a workshop called “Mapping the Selves Movement and Art Session.” There were plenty of opportunities to be facilitated by staff (including Voice Dialogue Sand Play sessions), to observe facilitations, and to practice peer facilitation.
The experience of Voice Dialogue Camp, however, was way more than the sum of its participants and learning programs. Having ten full days in an environment completely supportive of a deep consciousness process is an almost indescribably wonderful opportunity for movement and growth. Next year’s camp will be held at the same retreat center in Oregon, July 10-20, and many campers are already signing up. To learn more go to <http://www.voicedialoguework.com>.